Monday, May 4, 2015



  1. This was great! I really liked the shot of the mirror during the chase scene.

  2. The actor for the crazy dentist was PERFECT for the part, head had all the elements, he had the smile too which made the movie really effective

  3. Overall, you set the bar way high! Your b-roll and angles were great. The only change I'd want to see would be for the title to be towards the beginning.

  4. I liked the variety of shots you had, the music fit well with the story line. The locations you chose fit perfectly as well. Great Job!

  5. I really enjoyed the editing for the video, the color correction and music really gave a sense of mood.

  6. I enjoyed your video a lot. It had a good story. I just wished the dentist would have said something lol haha. The brownish color tone the video had during his dream really helped convey he was dreaming. Great music too.

  7. I really thought that was a good video. It was funny in spots as well as creepy in others. I felt however that the music could have been toned down a little. Other than that it was good and enjoyed it!

  8. Really nicely done!
    Had some timing issues on cuts and sounds were a little confusing at beginning, but overall well done!

  9. Very funny, very creepy

    I think a couple of small things would help this out a bit. I know from the pitch you said it was a dream sequence, but still some of the scenes from inside the sequence were a bit hard to follow. There were some parts where he was running, then he was in the wheel chair, and he was out. I just kind of got confused a bit with the chase (Which I'm sure is intended for the most part), but if you could make some of those shots a bit clearer I think it would have made it better.

    Also maybe giving yourself a little longer of a transition from the main character falling asleep and being at the dentist would help a little bit too. Otherwise this was well shot, and fun to watch. Good job!

  10. i like the angles and the chase music was fitting. Overall nice concept for a narrative and pretty decent acting. nicely done.

  11. Very Funny, the actor for the dentist was perfect, the eerie music was perfect

  12. I really enjoyed the editing for the video, the color correction and music really gave a sense of mood.
